General Agreement on Development Cooperation

General Agreement on Development Cooperation: Understanding Its Importance

Development cooperation is a crucial aspect of global governance, aimed at reducing poverty, promoting economic growth, and improving the quality of life in developing countries. The General Agreement on Development Cooperation (GADC) is a framework that outlines the principles, objectives, and guidelines for international aid and cooperation. The agreement has a long history and has evolved over time to reflect changing global realities.

History of the GADC

The roots of the GADC can be traced back to the post-World War II era when many countries were struggling to rebuild their economies and societies. In 1949, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) established the Committee for Development Planning to promote economic growth in developing countries. This committee played a key role in formulating the principles of development cooperation, which were later enshrined in the GADC.

The GADC was adopted in 1960 at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva. The agreement was designed to provide a comprehensive framework for international development cooperation, based on the principles of sovereign equality, non-interference, and respect for national sovereignty.

Objectives of the GADC

The main objectives of the GADC are to promote economic growth and sustainable development in developing countries, reduce poverty and inequality, and improve the quality of life of their populations. To achieve these objectives, the agreement emphasizes the importance of aid and technical assistance, technology transfer, debt relief, and trade and investment.

Principles of the GADC

The GADC is guided by several key principles, including:

1. Partnership: Development cooperation should be based on the principles of mutual respect, equality, and partnership between developing and developed countries.

2. National ownership: Developing countries should have control over their own development strategies and policies, with the support and assistance of the international community.

3. Transparency and accountability: All development activities should be transparent and accountable, with clear goals, objectives, and outcomes.

4. Focus on poverty reduction: Development cooperation should prioritize poverty reduction and the needs of the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized populations.

5. Sustainability: Development activities should be sustainable, environmentally responsible, and socially inclusive.

Importance of the GADC

The GADC is important for several reasons. First, it provides a comprehensive framework for international development cooperation, based on clear principles and objectives. This helps to ensure that aid and other forms of assistance are aligned with the needs and priorities of developing countries.

Second, the GADC emphasizes the importance of partnership and national ownership, which helps to build trust and cooperation between developing and developed countries. This is essential for sustainable development, as it ensures that development strategies and policies are aligned with local needs and priorities.

Third, the GADC promotes transparency and accountability, which helps to ensure that development activities are effective and efficient. This is important for building trust between donors and recipients and for ensuring that resources are used effectively.


In conclusion, the General Agreement on Development Cooperation is a crucial framework for international aid and cooperation. The agreement provides a clear set of principles and objectives for development activities, which helps to ensure that aid and other forms of assistance are aligned with the needs and priorities of developing countries. By emphasizing the importance of partnership and national ownership, transparency and accountability, and poverty reduction, the GADC helps to build trust and cooperation between developing and developed countries and promotes sustainable development.